Monday, September 21, 2009

A Clint Eastwood Lesson On Manliness

“You've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel lucky?' Well, do ya punk?”

No one on this planet could have been a more intimidating vigilante cop than Clint Eastwood.

I grew up watching many Eastwood movies I have seen nearly every single one of his feature films (One exception is “Bridges of Madison County”, but like a bad sex tape, I will just pretend that it doesn’t exist). Eastwood’s films have a timeless quality. I have continued to view Clint Eastwood as manliness, personified.
I developed some philosophies on manliness by the image that I have of Clint Eastwood. There are many guys in this nation that walk a thin line between total wuss and manly. So if you need to get it straight, then these Clint Eastwood lessons are for you.

Clint Eastwood does not…

1) …have a vagina.
2) …act like he has a vagina.
3) …dress like a woman under any circumstances.
4) …profess his undying passion, for anything, to his buddies.
5) …have his own show on HGTV.
6) …and will not, drive a minivan…EVER.
7) …eat ice cream cones.
8) …drink a Caramel Macchiato, or any dessert disguised as a coffee drink.
9) …drink fruity cocktails. Period.
10) …drink wine. It’s beer and whiskey only.
11) …cry for any reason, with exception to funerals of close relatives.
12) …share an umbrella with another man.
13) …tell another man that his fly is down.
14) …spot someone in the gym and say, “Yeah baby, push it!”
15) …watch men’s gymnastics or ice skating.
16) …wear a sports jersey as everyday casual attire.
17) …care about David Beckham or the freakin’ LA Galaxy.
18) …ever use European phrases like “Au Revoir”, “Al Vida Zein”, or “Ciao”.
19) …wear clothes that match his significant other. .
20) …think sex is boring.
21) …hug people.
22) …have entire conversations via SMS messaging.
23) …use terms like exfoliate.
24) …spend more time in the bathroom than a woman.
25) …go out to dance.
26) …fight naked.
27) …wear Speedos
28) …use every over-the-counter medication to treat the common cold.
29) …quit.
30) …read Blogs…

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