Sunday, October 25, 2009

Supplements I Don't Like

There are thousands of supplement companies in this country. It is astounding how many exist. There are companies out here that produce crappy products that are not worth your hard earned money. Supplement ads will often refer to a “clinical study”, I assure you, there was nothing clinical about the so called study…

In this installment of my blog, I want to share with you the supplements that are garbage. I don’t use them and I don’t recommend that anyone else use them. Save your money.

Nitric Oxide (NO) Boosters
Most of these supplements are loaded with sugar and caffeine. The “perpetual pump” is not from the arginine.

Glutamine (AKG)
This supplement is not absorbed efficiently enough to be productive. Save your money.

Crap…and can be toxic in the long term.

Herbal HGH
This is just too good to be true.

Carb Blockers
If you could block the body’s ability to process carbs, we wouldn’t need gastric bypass surgery.

The chemistry looks good, but studies show that its crap.

Horny Goat Weed
Funny name, worthless supplement…

A lot of hype with no results…

Weight Loss Stimulants
A well constructed diet is worth more than what you would spend on caffeine laden weight loss supplements.

Supplements I Like

The world is chock full of all types of supplements. Some supplements, just flat out, don’t work.

Over the years, I have tried a few supplements. Today, I will share with you a list of supplements that I currently use. These supplements work and can have incred

Although exercise is good for your health, it can place a toll on the body at the cellular level. Even if you eat a tremendous diet comprised of nutritious whole foods, you are likely to be lacking in vitamins and minerals. A multivitamin is a must to fill in any gaps. Not to mention, multivitamins contain antioxidants which fight free radicals.

Essential Fatty Acids
Essential Fatty Acids are found in fish, flaxseed, olive oil, and safflower (to name a few). The benefits include better circulation and inflammation reduction. In some cases, EFAs can aid in fat reduction.

Protein Powder
Muscles need protein. If you are trying to put on more muscle, then you need 1.5 grams for each pound of bodyweight. When you are dieting, it is important to keep a sufficient supply of protein in your body in order to prevent muscle breakdown.

Freeze Dried Fruit & Veggie Extract
I eat several servings of fruits and veggies per day, but I still like to add this to my supplement list. This supplement is natural and comes from all the “Superfood” groups that are powerful in fighting illness, ageing and cellular stress.

Creatine is fairly commonplace among athletes today. It makes a difference in my strength training. It is cheap and is fairly easy to incorporate into your daily nutrition.

This amino acid helps in keeping your muscle stamina alive when lifting heavy weights. One thing that I love about this amino acid is that I can feel it going to work.

Glucosamine /Chondroitin Sulfate
Many studies have been conducted on this supplement, all of which are very positive and compelling. This supplement helps rebuild joint cartilage. From my own experience, I notice the difference when I work out my legs.

Phosphatidylserine (PS)
Soy-PS, in a dose dependent manner (400 mg), has been reported to be an effective supplement for combating exercise-induced stress by blunting the exercise-induced increase in cortisol levels. Cortisol is the enemy.

Resveratrol Anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, blood-sugar-lowering and other beneficial cardiovascular effects of resveratrol have been reported. This is rather new to my list; it has very compelling research to back it up. Time will tell whether it stays there or not…

Monday, October 5, 2009


Did you know that it takes seven years for swallowed gum to digest? Did you also know that you can use algorithms to predict college basketball scores and make millions? Are you aware that we only use 10% of our brains? Here is a popular one, turkey makes you sleepy. Or, how about that chocolate acne.

I imagine that at some point you have heard one of these myths, maybe all of them. If you are still performing the Heimlich on children in order to ward off a colon blowpop…stop.

My advice: Engage the proclamation. Investigate its validity. Contemplate your own thoughts and conclusions.

I know, it’s easy to accept certain proclamations as fact. Hell, I once told a slow kid at my junior high school that reading backwards helped people study better. He believed me, and tried it for several weeks…also, at nine years old I told my classmates that I was the lead singer of STYXX. Later, they realized that I did not even know the lyrics to the #1 single, Babe. Back then, I thought if you were stupid enough to believe it, then you deserve to look like an idiot. Although, later on in life, I realized giving people good and factual information is very important. We all as individuals make decisions based on what we believe is FACT. When people give me information…I engage, investigate, and contemplate.

Recently, I heard a proclamation that diet sodas can increase insulin production and cause weight gain. Really? C’mon. What is sad, is that certain individuals, that hear this sort of thing, will definitely quit drinking soda. Then they will tell friends not to drink diet soda, without ever validating the claim. Yes, basic common sense tells me that diet soda is not optimum versus water. Duh!

I love learning about nutrition, there is certainly a lot to learn. However, there are so many different interests out there that some nutritional facts get pushed out into the world based on someone filling in the blanks.

Okay, let me try one:
The number one cause of male impotence, worldwide, is _________.

Now, I will fill in the blank:
The number one cause of male impotence, worldwide, is due to prolonged sun exposure.
It doesn’t sound too ridiculous if you are the person trying to get it up and you are totally willing to stay out of the sun for the rest of your life…Thusly, when I heard that someone believed that diet soda was about to send every diabetic that drinks non-caloric soda into a coma, I had to engage.

My investigation led me to that following (beware: this is a blog, so I am not going to cite references, just go look for yourself):
A study, reported by the Journal of Nutrition on Nutritional Epidemiology, found no evidence of the claims regarding insulin. The study included 2500 subjects. They tested insulin levels on three control groups. One of the groups was a “zero calorie diet drink” group. The study concluded that insulin was not affected by diet drinks.

And the weight gain from diet soda? A study was done, but it appears someone is only reporting half of the truth on this one. Among the group of surveyed diet soda drinkers, 57% were likely to eat more calories because they were drinking a diet soda. There was correlation, but no causation…And yes, when you combine diet root beer with ice cream, it’s not the root beer that is making your ass look bigger.

As I pondered these findings, I also remembered that calories are essentially energy. Insulin, in so many words, is about energy conversion. It would be doubtful that a diabetic would risk his/her health by drinking diet soda …

Studies on nutrition are being done daily. Engage. Investigate. Contemplate

Now, excuse me, I have to go rub peanut butter on my feet. Someone told me that it helps get rid of bad breathe.